I Lost 50 Pounds in Two Months — Here’s How.

Autumn Smith PhD
3 min readMay 8, 2023



Good news, folks! I’ve managed to lose 50 pounds in just two months.

And no, I didn’t resort to any crazy fad diets or start running marathons overnight.

Here’s how I did it:

1. I stopped eating like a garbage disposal:

Let’s be real, we’ve all been guilty of mindlessly shoving food down our throats at some point.

But I made a conscious effort to slow down, savor my meals, and focus on eating whole, nutrient-dense foods that fuel my body.

And yes, that means cutting back on the chips and dip during my nightly Netflix binges. :)

Drink a lot of water people!

Grapes :)

2. I started moving my body more:

I’ll admit, I used to dread the thought of exercise.

But then I realized that physical activity doesn’t have to be a chore.

I found activities that I genuinely enjoy, like:

  • dancing
  • hiking
  • and playing frisbee with my dog.

Not only do I get to have fun while burning some calories, but I also feel more energized and less stressed overall.

Dance! ;)

3. I enlisted some support:

Losing weight can be a lonely and overwhelming journey.

So, I turned to my friends and family for some accountability and encouragement.

We started a friendly competition to see who could walk the most steps each day, and I even convinced my partner to join me in meal prepping and trying new healthy recipes.

It’s amazing how much easier things feel when you have a support system cheering you on.

Of course, there were some bumps in the road along the way.

There were days when I slipped up and indulged in a few too many slices of pizza, or when I just didn’t feel like exercising.

But I learned to give myself grace and not beat myself up over the occasional setback.

After all, life’s too short to not enjoy the occasional slice of pizza, right?

So, there you have it.

— my journey to losing 50 pounds in two months :)

Of course, everyone’s experience is different, and what works for me might not work for you.

But I hope that my story can inspire you to focus on making sustainable lifestyle changes that make you feel good both physically and mentally.

Now if you’ll excuse me,

I’m off to dance my way to my next weight loss milestone!



Autumn Smith PhD

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